where the people that are too stupid to live in neighboring suffield move to
"Hey, I live in Windsor Locks."

"Hey great, Suffield is gunna whoop you in basketball again this year and yeah your IQ is probably low."
by 668 is better than 688 December 15, 2009
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Windsor Ontario well be the worst city in the world according to all of the other contributors, but let's face it, we still aren't fucking Americans.

As for the University of Windsor being considered the worst University, let's face it, it was in MacLeans, the National Inquirer of Canadian magazines. As for being the worst, considering education is standardized, it really doesn't matter. It still beats an education in the United States.
Person 1: Did you read this year's MacLeans University Ranking issue?

Person 2: Yes, I saw it was on the page after the article on Stephen Harper not being born in Canada, but being born in Kenya and is Muslim.

Person 1: I don't know about the Kenya or Muslim claim, but Harper is certainly a douchebag. Thank God he wasn't born in Windsor, Ontario!
by Thank God I'm Not A Yank June 28, 2012
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The application of a man wearing a dildo backwards achieving the the position of doggy style with two chicks at the same time.
I drove to Windsor Canada and picked up two strippers and fucked them both doggy style at the same time.

-at least one simultaneous ass slapping of the left check of both females at the same time completes the DOUBLE WINDSOR
by shabogan February 18, 2010
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One of the worst universities in Canada, as it fails to make it on the top 100 list of Canadian Universities. Those who are dumb enough to get enrolled there and accept usually drop out and/or do nothing successful with their lives. Most of those who attend the University of Windsor are scared to move away from home and leave their parents, and/or are of the less fortunate as they cannot afford to study abroad. Those who attend the University of Windsor think they are the shit, but really will not get anywhere in life as the evil spirits of Windsor, Ontario have unfortunately sucked them in for the rest of eternity.
A professor from the University of Windsor came to my international boarding school to give a speech today and not one person showed up!


I heard the University of Windsor is the worst university in Canada!


Dude you go to the Univeristy of Windsor? How basic, you should transfer.
by BarbieBitch420 May 29, 2011
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A small place in Nova Scotia Canada. About 45 minutes away from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Windsor is the birthplace of hockey
Guy 1: i live in the Quebec, which is the birthplace of hockey.
Guy 2: you are a dumbass, Windsor, Nova Scotia is the birthplace of hockey
by hockey fan-09 December 4, 2010
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When you tie a regular windsor knot and leave it tied when your remove it from your neck. Leave it sit in the closet for approximately 1 month as it marinates and molds into its form of an obtuse style of an knot. Thus when you now put it back onto your neck and tighten it up, it is now a Jawnson Windsor Knot. You are now a member of an very exclusive and proud Tie Knot Club that only a select few can say they are part of.
Today at work, Pops seen my tie and said oh snappers, thats a Jawnson Windsor Knot!
by P-W-S September 15, 2010
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