The bit of female anatomy urine is ejected from.
Morag: ever tried to do a pee in the shower senga ?

Senga: dont be daft morag, everybody knows the fud valve doesnt work under running water.
Morag: i do it in the bath all the time.

Senga: submerged is fine.
by idiotson September 24, 2013
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The tube located in a man or hermaphrodite's penis from which the white glory bursts forth, usually accompanied by grunting and or moaning sounds of pleasure.
Caleb prodded his seminal valve with a toothpick and exploded on it with his hot, sticky love juice.
by mandingo_smash July 23, 2014
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In the fire service, this a small, hard to find,nearly invisible piece found on the engine or tactical, usually near the hose stretcher.
You better find that kanooter valve by lunch time.
by firefightress September 26, 2009
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A valve or regulatory device controlling the flow of feces or other fecal matter, such as sewage.
Make sure that the poop valve is closed before you leave tonight, Mike.
by Apollos12970 March 6, 2011
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Another name given to your arse, especially after a night on the beers or the day after a curry or maxican food.
"Cor, whats that smell? Is that your Clacket Valve?"
"Can you smell that? Think my Clacket Valve has rotted out."
"Smells like an old Clacket Valve in here..."
"My boss talks out his Clacket Valve."
by FUCK THE NAME September 25, 2009
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A word to make you sound like you know what you're talking about when you're stuck in the middle of a conversation that you know nothing about. It also could be used as an excuse to get out of something or to cover up a mistake, i.e not calling your mom or girlfriend when you were supposed to.
Example One:

Guy One: Yeah, the front suspension on my truck is jacked up. I gotta go have the tork adjusted and see if that does anything.
Guy Two: Maybe you just need to look at your BB247 Valve?

Example Two:
Girlfriend: Why didn't you call me last night? I thought we were going out.
Guy: Ohhhh, sorry honey I was working on my BB247 Valve and didn't even hear the phone ringing.
by aseaisalvaged June 4, 2009
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