A human, just like you.

Why the fuck would you search this? Just so you could find some snarky remark about them being 'fucking gay' or 'dumb ass bitches'? Get a fucking life. What brand your little computer pocket comes from ain't important, chief.
Chad - Yo, you heard? David got an Android, what a cuck.
Mike - You... do know it doesn't fucking matter, right?
Chad - Android users are gay as fuck!
Mike - {Unfriends Chad, fuck you Chad}
by tinyrubberducks September 11, 2019
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pathetic group of internet dwellers who spend all day trying to obtain "cool" and "rare" usernames which they obtain usually by sim swapping or other types of fraud. they r rampant on discord, steam, soundcloud, pretty much any social media they can get their hands on. short usernames make them cum for some reason. they think they r the shit because they steal money and look mysterious online but they have 0 social life or actual friends.
That e-girl has an og user boyfriend only because he buys her designer brand purses and her entire wishlist.
by eben99999 April 19, 2022
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Unequivocally the best move in Madden. The player simply wiggles the analog stick a bit as a defender approaches, which causes the ballcarrier to quiver awkwardly. This in turn confuses the approaching defender, who panics, dives out of bounds, and leaves an open avenue to the end zone. Nearly always results in a touchdown.

Great for pissing your friends off.
Jake (on defense): Oh dude, I'm gonna hit stick you so hard!
Roy (offense): We'll see...
----Roy performs a user juke----
Jake: F-fuck! what happened!? You did some kind of weird jiggle thing!
Roy: User juke, bitch. Six points, Titans.
by pigpilot January 18, 2010
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A "Pail User" is a derogatory term used to describe a person who uses a bucket or pail (while binge playing videogames) to defecate in, instead of using the restroom. Pail Users mainly come from the MMORPG and Reddit communities.
Guy 1: Did you see what happened to Dylan after he got World of Warcraft?" Guy 2: "Yeah he turned into a real Pail User."
by FSR_FritoPie January 23, 2021
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A person who owns and uses their iPhone (6 and up) regularly.
Wow, Jessie has been a Iphone user for quite a while now.
by Woah, Black Jesus! January 4, 2020
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The act of grabbing your own sack/balls after achieving a "user sack" in Madden. You must yell "User Sack" while grabbing your sack simultaneously. An excellent form of gloating
After Bill controlled Brian Orakpo to sack Tony Romo, he grabbed his sack and yelled "User Sack" at the top of his lungs, much to the disgust of his friend Bobby.
by Ginormous D November 10, 2011
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A derogatory term used to describe a computer user who has caused computer errors through their own actions.

Also commonly known as an I.D.10-T error (l33t-speak for idiot)
Nerd 1: "So did you find the problem with Cathy's spreadsheet?"
Nerd 2: "You bet - defective user."
Both laugh knowingly.
by James Fraser February 1, 2008
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