The act of thinking about, ordering or consuming McMenamin's Cajun Tots. Preferably daily during Happy Hour for $1 w/ ranch dressing.
Gina, "Would you like to go totting tomorrow?"

Lauren, "Uhhh yeah! Totting is only my favorite thing to do!"

Gina, "We should get at least 2!"
by Bromancer20 May 27, 2010
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A girl, young or old makes no difference, that dresses in neon clothes randomly sized and sporatic at raves. Usually tutus and tall striped socks go along with these girls...sometimes seen on leashes being pulled around by fellow ravers. Can be seen rolling balls on the dance floor having a blast.
Did you see that tot last night? she killed with her hyphy green tutu, yellow top socks and kandi to her throat.
by pyxis March 13, 2009
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A nickname for a crazy sexy dude. He's amazing and is the sexyest dude you'll ever fucking meet.
Omg, Look at tots he's amazing.
by rawrr bitch December 17, 2008
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Like Truth or Dare but for online games.
Because you cant really dare people on the internet it becomes replaced by another Truth.
9:52:20 <sin_q> how about we play a game of ToT? ;)
9:53:12 <Matt> ;)
9:53:20 <_Mad> works for me :D
by _Mad-Lover July 12, 2004
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Robert, you missed out! I got so much candy from toting today!
by lucydearr<3 November 1, 2007
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A man's nipples. Sometimes used to refer to a man's entire chest region.
Guy#1: Dude, why're you staring at my tots?

Guy#2: What? No way! I was just lost in thought.

Guy#1: Well cut it out; yer kinda freakin me out, here.
by jigsawz October 8, 2010
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