A word used as slang by normies to describe a hot girl. The girls who respond to comments with "slick" are also normies
Guy 1: Damn, that bitch is slick!
Girl 1: Aww, thank you!!
Guy 2: I can't hang out with you fucking normies, I'm out!
by DeezPeanuts November 18, 2017
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Slick is a derogatory term for a pretentious or conceited female, whose self-esteem rests more in academic accomplishments than in beauty.
This is not to say that slicks are homely or ugly, although many might be described as being “plain Janes."
Cerebral, mouthy, and judgmental; often holding theorem over substance, most slicks lack real-world experience and are therefore not very “street wise.” Unlike bitches, the majority of slicks are somewhat shy and idealistic, but this is not absolute.

A typical example of a slick would be Meg, from the cartoon Family Guy.
by Hellooo, Tom March 26, 2007
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slick A verb meaning to engage in sexual activity with a person of the same or opposite gender: from the futuristic science fiction novel "Anvil of Stars" by author Greg Bear.
"You never really know someone until you've slicked them" - or "slicked with them"
by SpicyMeatball September 14, 2004
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It's pretty slick that DMV forms are online so you don't have to wait in that huuugge line
by Bungalow Bill October 18, 2001
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The word spoken aloud as you run your index finger across the teeth of an unsuspecting victim
"Slllllllllicckkkkkk" *runs away and shuts mouth to avoid being "slicked" in return
by Punan-er October 21, 2003
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a)"Haha, I have slick scrapes on my arm!"

b)"Dude, he hurt his arm slick!"
by ---- June 4, 2004
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