When you are at an airport you tell your friends if they want to play Runway Chicken, a game where you run across an airport runway and whoever gets the farthest without getting shot wins.
"Up for a game of Runway Chicken?"
"I don't know man, Jimmy got turned into Swiss cheese last time we played."
by Peepus February 15, 2018
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The median on a two lane or more road where a homeless person struts thier stuff sporting the hottest accessory in cardboard fashion and looks for tips.
Tommy: Dude is that John working the hobo runway?

(car pulls up to John)

John: Yeah, I went to art school so now I've gotta spange.
by hoboh8r December 29, 2011
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rewinding an on-demand or DVR-r'd program, to watch it again, because you weren't paying attention the first time.
I'm watching Entourage, and Brad was smoking pot and laughing about something stupid when Turtle told Tom Brady to suck balls. Brad decided to 'brown the runway' and re-winded Entourage and I had to watch it again because he's an idiot.
by scotthew1 August 20, 2009
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When a woman walks in a very sexy , confident, provocative way to get your attention.
She is runwaying you... I think she likes you.
by jdarne01 October 5, 2015
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The opposit of a landing strip. This is furry, unmanicured disaster.
Used in a sentence "I tried to go down on Martha, but she had an Amish Runway."
by Kirin sushitwink October 15, 2013
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When you sneeze into your elbow, but miss and end up sneezing on top of your elbow, creating a sort of runway to catapult your germs outwards.
Person 1: *sneezes*
Person 2: “Hey you just Runwayed, what the heck
Person 1: “oh no I’m sorry
by Cowplaterrrrr July 14, 2022
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The act in which a woman massages the area above her clitoris. Especially when this area is shaved in the shaped called a "landing strip".
Michelle started paving the runway everytime she heard Ryan's name.
by dowaijdaoifgjoiaf April 14, 2010
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