According to my good friend Dalton, "Maroon 5 = a group of gay guys playing fisher price instruments trying to be a band." Of course, I couldn't agree with him more, and a brief visit to Youtube proved my point. It's sad that there are decent girls that actually listen to this bullshit
Me: "ay yo wassup, This good looking girl listens to the Band Maroon 5. Can you tell me what it is?"

Dalton: "hahha you kidding me? That's the gayest band, even worse than Jonas Brothers! Their head singer sounds like he has a dick in his mouth! That girl must have bad taste!!"

Me: "Fuck you, she's cool, but maybe not her taste in music. Hahah. Thanks for the info"
by they call me IBO August 27, 2008
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Some sort of horrid "band". They exist to annoy the shit out of everyone. I'm thinking they're all gay and the lead singer only makes out with some chick in a video to cover up his gayness.
Girl at Maroon 5 Audition: What? You mean I have to make out with him!?!?!?
Director: Yeah, but I'll pay you 3000 bucks if you agree.
Girl at Maroon 5 Audition: Ahh, screw it. You'd have to pay me more than that! I'm outta here!
Director: Damn, lost another one! Alright, girl 23, you're ne...Wait, you're a guy!
"Girl" 23: I know, but he's so beautiful!
Director: Well, you're the last one, go ahead!
by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005
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The Maroon Squad J-Beanz are one of the most elite teams ever created.Armed with the Great Hazan, The One Who Fades, The Captain, The Rabbi, Gold Mine, and the one they call "The Freak" just to name a few, this years squad is poised to win it all in what is the last year for most of the roster. Before the season even started the championship parade is already being planned. After a disappointing finish to the 2009 season in a semi-finals lose to the eventual champions with a young and inexperienced squad, a few new key additions were made that have made them a favorite to not only win a championship, but to not lose a game while doing it. After only one game, the squad has already forced multiple rule changes because they kicked too much ass.The only thing stopping them from going all the way is themselves, but with the talent accumulated and the chemistry built in the past few seasons, the sky's the limit.
A-"Who we got tonight?"
B-"Maroon Squad"
A-"You think were gonna get double digits?"
B-"Well I've been averaging 15 points per game so yea,probably."
A-"I'm talking about our whole team"

"The Maroon Squad:We don't Rebuild, We Reload"
by A Daves April 30, 2010
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a shitty band and adam levine is "TOTALLY!!!" Closeted
Maroon 5 are as annoying as Hanson and Aqua-(1HW's know for 97 technoshit hit "Barbie girl")
by Joe Smith 2 August 8, 2007
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The best band ever whom I love so much, they totally rock and their album is amazing!!!
Man, Maroon 5 are the best band on the planet!
by LapisLazuli* January 3, 2005
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When you overtly swing from someone else's nuts harder than you swing from your own. The degrees of which can range between excessive recognition and a manner of idolatry.
A: Did you see the way he was gushing about the movie director?
B: That dude is such a maroon baboon.
by mace-stirmind January 6, 2018
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Used to be a decent rock band bringing new ideas to the scene. NOW nothing more than a boy band, with appeal to airheaded former-teenyboppers who think theyre cute. Both band and fans are crap.
Ugh, my daughter is going to a Maroon Five concert... where did we go wrong?
by Tiberius July 26, 2004
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