22 definitions by Highly Evolved

An expensive, overpriced, small mp3 playing device that can store a large capacity of mp3s. I'd find them useless, seeing as I can't even think of 1/10 the amount of songs you're able to put into it.
Some Guy: Yeah, I just got another new ipod.
Me: Yeah, good luck with that...
by Highly Evolved May 25, 2005
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Where I live. It's not that bad and the weather can be really sucky and rainy, or really hot and dry. There's a bunch of drugheads in my area, I don't mind. Some times it can be really boring, but that's just cause my town is so small and I sit around doing nothing all day.
by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005
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1. For the win/for teh win.
2. Fuck the world.
3. Fuck the what?
1. Hell yeah, Asian food FTW!

2a. Dom: Have you heard that song FTW?
Jake: By who? The Vines? Turbonegro? Tupac? Someone else?

2b. Man, this world is full of shit. FTW.

3. Dude, you hear that? My mom's having sex with the pizza delivery guy!
Marko: FTW???
by Highly Evolved June 25, 2006
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Some sort of horrid "band". They exist to annoy the shit out of everyone. I'm thinking they're all gay and the lead singer only makes out with some chick in a video to cover up his gayness.
Girl at Maroon 5 Audition: What? You mean I have to make out with him!?!?!?
Director: Yeah, but I'll pay you 3000 bucks if you agree.
Girl at Maroon 5 Audition: Ahh, screw it. You'd have to pay me more than that! I'm outta here!
Director: Damn, lost another one! Alright, girl 23, you're ne...Wait, you're a guy!
"Girl" 23: I know, but he's so beautiful!
Director: Well, you're the last one, go ahead!
by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005
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Someone who looks even scarier withought make up on.
Person that sees Avril without make up: Woah! Oh my god! What the hell is that!? CRACK KILLS! CRACK KILLS!
by Highly Evolved June 18, 2005
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A horrid singer who kids go around saying they love and that she's punk. They then start hearing she's a poseur and start saying they hate her.

Who cares whatever the hell she is, she just blows all together and her voice sounds like she's dieing...
Kid 1: Yeah, Avril is so punk! I love her!
Kid 2: Are you kidding me? She's sucks!

A day later...

Kid 1: I hate Avril she's such a poseur and she sucks!
by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005
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