An essay that becomes a pain in the ass to write. Kind of like an expository essay but harder.
Mom: Do you have an essay to do for school?
Me: Yes mom, it is a suppository essay, kind of like an expository essay, but a pain in the ass.
by jman101 September 10, 2013
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When your college term paper is due in less than an hour and you just decide to shit out whatever words come to mind first into a Word document and hope to get a decent grade.
Melania Trump wrote a bullshit essay to cover for her speech at the RNC 2016.
by TheWhiteBowser July 20, 2016
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A paper that an IB student has 2 years to write, assigned by a useless class called TOK or theory of knowledge. It has a 4000 word limit and can be written on anything the student likes. After a year of stressing about CAS hours, the TOK essay, IB orals, and endless work, the student relizes the paper is due the next day and must bullsh** his way through a 4000 word paper that is not in the subject (such as psychology, Biology etc)they chose. The paper is usually submitted to and is 99% copied because of the numerous incidences of plagerism found in the paper. This paper MUST be accepted by IB or you will NOT recieve the diploma and you wasted 2 years of your life and gave up your soul and have become a living zombie and will eventually become a crackwhore.
1.Shana- Hey lynn, why did you cut school today

Lynn- Because the extended essay was due today

Jesse- Steph, wats up with Igor, I heard plucked out his own eye balls

Steph- His extended essay was rejected by IB
by Shanabobana =] March 17, 2007
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Occuring usually in a contraversial subject in Urbandictionary (eg Palestine, Emo etc.). After a few pages with entries such as "its gay" and "no it ISNT gay", someone who takes his urbandictionary shit seriously comes up and writes a huge-ass essay on the issue. Except noone really gives a fuck, so any readers read the first sentence, thumb up/down and read on. -an UrbanDictionary essay by some upset emo kid. Of course, I probably wouldn't call him this if I had read his essay, but again, noone gives a fuck.
by Yaziyo September 4, 2008
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An icon of satan. It is forged in the river of a 1,000 souls. Just attempting to complete it can make you wish for the worst death possible.
My teacher gave me a research essay assignment, so my favorite drink is now bleach.
by PADgamer February 6, 2017
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A paper which cites one or two sources at most, not pretending to do anything more than condense the work of another author and put entirely unoriginal thoughts forward. Hence the list of citations is almost entirely "Ibid., Ibid., Ibid., Ibid..."
1 Mowinckel, S. p. 3
2 Ibid. p.3
3 Ibid. p.3
4 Ibid. p.4
5 Ibid. p.3

"Last week's tute was my third Ibid essay in a row. I can't be bothered to read more than one book a week."
by sporkonator May 29, 2009
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When you're in the process of writing an essay and all of a sudden BOOM…a huge rush of knowledge comes to your head that helps you focus and type your essay at warp speed.
Doug: "Whoa! What's wrong with Kyle? Why is he so focused on his laptop?"
Kyle's good pal: "Oh, he's just on an essay high."
by EssayMcGee February 13, 2014
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