an angsty teenager who is lightly depressed and bored that seeks attention by becoming emo or scene.

their subculture can easily be summed up as:
diet punk + diet goth = emo
an emo kid is usually seen wearing: dyed black hair in a style that usually covers one eye or 1/4 of the face, tight emo band t-shirt, tight jeans, converse or old school vans, thick eyeliner, a lip ring, thick dorky glasses weather they need them or not, scarf even when it's hot outside, jelly bracelets, ect.

their favorite activities are mostly: sulking, cutting self with a lame attempt at hiding it, writing melancholy poetry or songs, complaining, crying, being ultra sensitive and melodramatic, listening to emo music, going to emo concerts and acting like they don't want to be there, suffering from a broken heart, taking weird angled photos of themselves looking away from the camera and then posting them on their myspace profile, claiming to be original or being emo before everyone else thought it was cool and became emo themselves, hates their so-called boring lives, claiming no one understands them, ect.

by Zoë [Strange Anti-Social] September 16, 2006
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Emo kids are kids who are followers of the current largest trend, emo. Emo music can be described as sad/angery pop music. Emo kids usually cry alot and write sad poems. Emo kids are very pretentious in how they purposely act sad to fit in. Emo kids may claim to be void of everything pop-culture related, but in reality, they are the embodiment of it. You've probably all ready noticed, that you can't turn on your TV or go to a public place without seeing one. Obviously, they are very much influenced by all things popular.

You can often spot an emo kid from their ridiculously tight clothing and combed over type hair. It should be noted that emo kids like to dress like an emo no matter how inconvenient it may be. For example, the emo hair cut is made in a way that requires frequent re-adjusting. The tight clothing, also inconvenient.

Most people in society (also among the counter-culture) find emo kids to be a nuisance. As, a large majority of them come up with rude and insipid phrases such as "I hope you all rot", "No one understands me", or "My heart is so deep and black... and lonely". They are often in large groups of fellow emos, although they may claim to be outcasted and lonely. Emo kids also have a tendency to mock others, even when they take false pride in their "open-mindedness".

Also, there are many homosexual and/or bi emo kids. This is not said to be rude or mean. Alot of emo kids may claim that there are not. Yet it seems that they don't understand that much of their trends fashion comes from the gay community.

In the end, it comes down to the fact that emo kids are just following this new trend. It will die out in a couple of years, and everyone will forget about it.
Emo kids are likely the group of kids at your local high school who wear dark clothing and are sitting in a corner with their friends mocking other students who feel uneffected by insults coming from a wierd kid who crys alot.
by Zach (Thrash til fucking death) November 23, 2006
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how to identify an 'emo kid':

-they listen too emo music
-they let everyone beat them up/pick at them
-they hide in dark corners
-they cry all the time
-they slit their wrists
-wear old, dirty clothes
-have "emo hair"(short in the back and a long piece covering one have of their face in the front)
-usually don't have too many friends; sometimes none
-most have "emo glasses" or "nerd glasses"
-worship emo bands(my chemical romance/the used/taking back sunday/hawthorne heights ect.)
-they're always sad or mad; NEVER happy.
-sometimes they like to scream
emo kid:*sitting under a tree*

random person:"hello."

emo kid:"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!! *runs away crying*

random person:"...?"
by Heather May 14, 2005
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An emo kid is someone who, because of his or her poor self-image, feels the need to segregate himself from the bulk of the society. By presenting a ridiculously exaggerated appearance of individuality, the emo kid bolsters his ego-centricity, thereby masking a sense of alienation behind the mirage-like appearance of self-solidarity.

Emo kids, who are sometimes referred to as "whining children", derive their sense of identity against that which is outside the narrow "emo" canon of thinking. They are often viewed as pests by those with a sense of self-confidence.

Identifying characteristics include badly written poetry, the perception of talent where no such talent exists, be it in self or admired "artists", a style of dress that reflects the ill-sophistication of a parrot's hierarchy, and a general lack of awareness as to how the world really works and how things actually are. Generally speaking, emo kids understand the world by comparing it to a childishly unrealistic system of ideals.
Emo kid (unisex): "Once I took 8 Tylenol and slit my wrists sideways. My parents took me to the hospital in their BMW* and the doctors sent me to a psychiatrist, but I don't take the pills he gave me because I hate the pharmaceutical industry, it's so corrupt and evil. Lets go down to Cafe Bean and write haiku on our laptops."

* The VW Jetta is also quite common in this scenario.
by Ped March 29, 2006
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Well as far as i read, all the definition of "emo kid" were guessed it, emo kids. I personally don't care that you are "in touch with your emotions" and are "loving towards one another". I'm going to hate you because I'm a close-minded, sadistic mother fucker and I hate emos. I really hope you die.
Oh, and for those of you that put that difference between "cool" emos and "gay" emos, then preach about how you shouldn't label people, congradulations, your a hypocrite...pussies.
"Woot im an emo kid, I say Im sad and post blogs on forums telling people im sad. I have no problems in my upper-middleclass suburban life but i make shit up anyway. I love attention, and mascara. I love a good mascara."
by Sadisticity May 31, 2006
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Ive read some of the other diffinitions for this class and i really liked what i saw from thier difinitions. Emo is all about doing what you want. Its not about being over dramaticle and over emotional, thats part of it but its more about expressing what you really want to express about yourself and no more. Its most closly related to goth. But people say that they dont call themselves emo or goth or prep, etc., but by saying a true emo woudnt, arent woudnt you be contridicting your self? So an emo kid is just a label put on a list of rules that happen to not be very limited, but at the same time restrict what people think or say. If people want to really follow what these sites suggest to be emo, then dont allign your self with any social class what so ever. The only class you should be in is Your Self. So be true to yourself no matter what that means!!! I dont support being gay, but if thats you hay, run with it. I'm a christian, so i think you should follow God, but even the choice of your religion should be what you really feel like. (its not confillcting with your self if you go with christianity) EMO IS JUST A DUMB TITLE!!!
Playes the Emotional Card while still sticking with what he/she feels. emo kid
by the_saint_dante May 31, 2006
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Emo kid /// just look up queer, idiot or fag
quit yer fucking whinning you damm emo kid, yall need to be put into a war or something to straigten you out. damm
by n.bishop November 16, 2006
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