false confidence expressed by people over social media that they would never display in person.
Ole boy had all kinds of keyboard courage on Twitter but got real quiet when he saw buddy in the club .
by Sebring's G-Rod October 14, 2015
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An imaginary pill you can take before doing something ballsy or courageous
Mentioned once in bear grylls
But if your friend it being a pussy tell em to man up and take a courage pill.
Bear grylls - (before jumping off cliff into Unknown depth water) "it's time I think to take a courage pill"
by Captain slack March 16, 2016
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Something that makes a person who drinks beer/alchohol get couragous enough to talk some crazy ass cocky bullshit to someone when they dont have the balls to say it when their not drinking.
As soon as Lissa takes a sip of her first beer, the liquid courage starts to come out" "Bitch...put down that liquid courage and talk that shit to me when your not drinking.
by TnTbtweendasheets August 20, 2010
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a human that courageously brings sexy, or in the case of mexicans, esexay, to a whole new level.
Yes, Edgar is in fact, one courageously sexy young lad. Don't you agree Winston Charlmonte Van Maxximillian Winchesterton The IIIrd?
John: Have you seen that esexay, EDGAR?
Rodrigo: Yo man, hee es mi homboy!
John: O RLY? *gets stabbed*
Rodrigo: Mess with one essexay, mess with all of them holmes!
by That dude that's awesome October 21, 2007
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The title of any alcohalic beverage that enables you to approach and conversate with people more freely.
John had liquor courage the way he was talking to that girl.
by D&JHOUSTON February 12, 2018
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The type of bravado a person exhibits on the internet incognito behind a screen only to turn coward when confronted physically.
Rob was all internet courage when slut shaming Koko's gala attire last night but stuttered when she accosted him in class.
by Nenye May 14, 2014
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Used to describe the process of drinking an alcoholic beverage to gain a sense of confidence before attending a social gathering which is though to be nerve wracking and pretentious.

Formally derived from the saying 'dutch courage' after it became profoundity blatant, that the dutch where only known for there clogs whereas the vikings had horns and are therefore a more appropriate species to base the phrase upon.
Holy cow man, were gonna have to drink up and get our viking courage to prepare ourselves for all that clunge
by iizwellfitt June 25, 2011
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