v. to pull a gun. A slangdown of "come out of the bag on;" derived from the fact that guns were sometimes carried in paper bags for purposes of concealment.
That chickenhead swung on Serena and Serena came out the bag on her.

He got hemmed up by five dudes and none of his boys were around, so he had to come out the bag.
by Theo June 23, 2006
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Coming out of the table like coming out of the closet is when someone comes out as being very kinky and or psychotic.
by goofygooberdude April 17, 2016
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The act of declaring one's adoration for the works of CS Lewis, the Narnia trilogy
George: "Check out Condi, she's rocking an Aslan T-shirt"
Barry: "I guess she's 'coming out of the wardrobe', at last"
George: "Condi, that's some fucked up subversive bigoted shit shit. Take that shit off"
by M1LRTYM ! November 26, 2010
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'Coming out of the coffin' is a term used to describe the experience of a person, typically, but not always, a male who has previously been highly critical, who professes his undying love and admiration for all things Twilight. He publicly and proudly confesses that he has read the books, seen the movies, can answer any trivia question, wants to dress like Edward for Halloween (and any other holiday), and really wants to visit Forks, Washington on vacation.
He could no longer lie to his friends, and excuse his presence at yet another Twilight movie premier by blaming it on his girlfriend. He was coming out of the coffin.
by Lord Buff November 25, 2010
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to be dealt with in the normal set of events
My homework will come out in the wash.
by Light Joker February 7, 2007
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Something gay midgets do

So called because most gay folks come out of closets, but the small stature of little people necessitates they come out of someplace smaller
Did you hear about little Jimmy? Suzie told me he was coming out of the cupboard
by mr.snruB November 22, 2010
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When someone's presence at an event is kind of pointless, but they go anyway.
I can't even see the game from these "thanks for coming out" seats!
by Professor RRRR January 21, 2016
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