coolest gang word ever, if youre in the hood? you gotta be using this. Goes along with "cuh" "youngblood" "gng" & "gang". Trust me man youre gonna be soo cool
by nxdirxa on discord.. October 15, 2023
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A friend or person.
Someone you dislike.
Someone in the Crimson Bloods.
Man blud really forgot about my birthday.
by hdmi2351 September 5, 2023
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Used as a gesture of friendship or violence
"example 1" Yo WSG Blud, wanna go get a drink.
"example 2" Yo blud on my motha ima spin on you next time I see you
by everined June 6, 2023
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Blud is a Jamaican slang term used to address men, and it essentially means “bro.” It appears to have derived from the term “blood brothers,” and it's often used as an informal greeting among friends. it is also used on TikTok a lot, formally used in Roblox themed videos, a lot.
"wassup blud!" "blud is on a streak in 2k23 💀" "ayo, blud, pass me the ketchup."
by HoleYT September 7, 2023
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Blud refers to "blood brother" or just "brother". It is used in a similar way to "bro" in contemporary meme language. Just like "bro" it is also commonly used with the skull, moai, or waterfall crying emoji.
"Blud is not Don Pollo💀" - Eren Lenox
by Flummox12 June 9, 2023
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The word "blud" is a Jamaican slang term used to address men that essentially means "bro." It originated from the term "blood brothers" and a phonetic spelling of the word "brethren" as if spoken in a Jamaican accent. While blud began among Jamaican people, purportedly as a swear word, it was adopted by people in the U.K. as an alternative to "mate."
by Buggy Po September 6, 2023
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