It's an abbreviation for "Biologically Irrelevant Transphobic Children of Hoes"
Shut up! Stupid bitch
Stupid bitch ate my uterus
by Neko da kami-sama July 20, 2021
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Bitch in the olden days use to mean female dogs, but has us humans devolped we thought it would be a best word to use for some one who is being slutty or a whore or just plain mean.
Person 1: God Lyndsey is such a bitch!
Person 2: Ikr she thinks that just cause shes a cheerleader she can boss everyone around!
Person 1: Yeah she is so a whore.
Person 2: Agreed!
by Skaterchicc__ July 29, 2015
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used to describe someone who is in an elevated state of panic, usually complaining about the actions of others.
Man, Billy's been on the bitch ever since he got in trouble at work.
by projectaristotle July 19, 2008
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(1) Word used to describe the act of whining excessively.

(2) Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seatting only car meant for 2 passengers or less.

(3) Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status.

(4) Term used to exclaim hardship.
(1) "Stop bitching Todd!"
(2) "Can I ride bitch?"
(3) "Bring my friend and I some vodka bitch"
(4) *Peron tells story to other cellmate, depicting how they came to be there, cellmate says* "Ain't that a Bitch!"
by Jedidiah October 23, 2002
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Anyone who takes pride in pissing you off.
shut it, bitch
by clone baby September 26, 2008
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It’s a female dog but teens, preteens and more started using it as a swear word I don’t even know why. Anyways bitch is a female dog don’t be nasty
Bethany: you are a bitch
Lily: me?
Bethany: yes you bitch
Lily: yayyy thank you im a cute doggy!
Bethany: uhh I didn’t mean that
Lily: yes you did
by Arianas rat February 9, 2021
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