A person who knows your name but you don't know theirs
That guys such a humphrey. I see him everyday but I can't seem to remember his name
by Pseudozer March 5, 2021
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When a female lays on her back and make a fist with her hand so you can make love to it.
My lady was on her rag so she gave me a Humphrey.
by Diddypop October 30, 2021
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Hu = One True God (Sanskrit)
Hum = Highest (Tibetan)
Phrey = Supreme Lord (Nordic)
Rey = King (Spanish)

Humphrey = One True God King of Kings or One True God Supreme King
In that time, Humphrey will walk with you forever and ever.
by HDGA22 November 23, 2021
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The only bad thing about Humphrey is his parents bad choice in names.

Imagine the hardest muscles you've ever seen; those pecs of steel, that 6 pack of doctor pepper- this is Humphrey using 1% of his power. Humphrey's jawline is more defined then Dwayne Johnson's bald patch. He has to shave every day (example of how much of an alpha male Humphrey is), and he bullies people who watch anime and use neopronouns.

Honestly, Humphrey is the ultimate life form.
Kid1: Man, I wish I was as sexy as Humphrey is.
Kid2: Yeah, Humphrey get's all the bitches...
by IPullBitches April 24, 2022
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A large and stale bowel movement that has been inside you for 48 hours. “Hey, what’s that smell?!Do you have a sewage problem?” “No, Jimmy took a Humphrey.”
“Damn, did a sewage line break?” “ No, Jimmy took a Humphrey.”
by Mark Tweak January 23, 2021
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A actually fucking baller he has a lot of chicks not married, massive playboy and also his famous quote "Fucking and Ducking".
Ethan Humphrey is lit
by ya nans worst noightmare September 6, 2020
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he is a real g always helping his homies out he is just overpowered in the girl department he says 1 a day to keep the herpes away make no sense but no1 cares
Ethan Humphrey is a real g
by ya nans worst noightmare October 7, 2020
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