Xander is an interesting guy. He is a popular loner that likes to keep only one or two friends at a time. He tries really hard to be funny, but it often doesn't work and results in awkwardness. Since he is lonely, he gets with a lot of girls but doesn't enter any relationships. Xander is the type of guy that gets stalked by many girls. He feels scared when in his house alone because some of the girls follow him everywhere he goes. His looks are debatable. Some think he is hot, and others think not. He has skinny abs and takes pictures of them in weird positions when trying to be hot. Xander owns a shoe shelf and pretends to be rich by having $500 shoes on display. Even though Xander can be a jerk, if you are close with him, he will help you with your problems. Keep him close for sticky situations.
Girl "OMG Xander is so hot. I want to go to his house and be his girlfriend."
Boy "That's so creepy I'm telling Xander."
Girl "No please don't. I only like him because of his shoe shelf."
by klasjdkuwaefjawnf October 16, 2020
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A Xander is the type of person who would have like fifty girls on his arm at a party. He is a charmer and a very good one. He probably owns his own company where they sell like fidget spinners or something. He likes to go to parties and fuck around and he calls himself "edgy" when in fact, he is the biggest douchebag on the planet. He goes to Ibiza on holidays with the lads and drinks beer and tequila cause he hides his sexuality. He has a very good fashion sense and wears Nike trainers with his suit so he can be ready and prepared for any tasks he may face. Although, he has a secret job on the side and is with the Russian mafia exporting drugs and other weapons. He isn't afraid to shoot a man if he has to.
"oh did you see Xander at that party yesterday?"
"oh yh he was with like five different girls"
" what a man whore"
by nastyass42069 May 5, 2020
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Short for Alexander. Can also be shortened to Xan.
Xander is the G.O.A.T.
XAN is the man!
by rawdogg69 November 21, 2019
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The pair of balls that resides in a man’s ballsack.
Wow that is a huge pair of xanders!
by Lilxannyman March 24, 2020
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Just the sexiest man in the world. Hes rlly fucking cute.
Look at him! Hes such a Xander!
by Maskeyboi- November 18, 2020
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The cutes boy you will ever meet. A little shy at first but once you get to know him he’s a great person. Very sexy and romantic. Good hair and great body. He knows what he want and goes for it. He may be sneaky in a relationship but then humble himself and remember he did wrong and try for you again. Xander is a good man at pep talks as well so if you need advice come to him.
Her: Who’s that cute boy talking to everyone?
Them: Oh ...that’s Xander.
Her: I’ll sure love to get with him
by KeithyHarrisy32 August 7, 2019
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A dumb cunt who wears fucking gay ass goggles to school because he half blind.
Oi ur such a Xander mate
by Dogfishcat123 May 22, 2018
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