To have no skill or natural abillity in the task you are fixing to do but having the abillit to make everyone around you think that you do also when giving speaches that you just made up
I had know clue how to take apart a car but i just winged it and all the guys in the shop figured i did ok.
When i was elected president my speach was pure bullshit i winged it all the way
by Travis June 5, 2005
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To huck something at something with great force with the intent to cause massive damage.
"I'm gonna wing a tree at you if you don't shut up!"
by Vee Are Are Schee July 8, 2004
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The term 'wing' is short of wingman; A Wing is a man who will help create an opportunity for one or more of his heterosexual male friends to engage in an episode of short-term and/or non-monogamous sex with a woman of interest. A Wing is a combination of a matchmaker, a wingman, and a personal 'p.r. agent' for his male friends.
I'm going to keep it real . . . Alan has been the best Wing for me that any single man could ever have. I have gotten laid with more women because of Alan's verbal seduction skills than my own personal charm and charisma
by Jack L. April 4, 2015
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A wing is commonly known as a vagina's labia. It is most often used in a phrase such as "Suck my wing Motha Fucker!!"
Keaton called Ashley a bitch, so she told him to suck her wing.
by Vag Expert October 19, 2010
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A girl who parties hard on the weekends, but is super focused on school during the week. Blonde. Hilarious. Is in denial about her attraction to a certain male...who's name usually starts with a K.
Oh my god you remind me of my friend, Wing.
by fuckinglistentome September 15, 2011
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eating a girl out is white wings
eating a bleeding girl out (which is nasty) is getting your red wings.
Random Guy:"So you got your wings?"
Lesbian Girl:"Hell yea cant you see them?"
by Courtny Simpson June 5, 2007
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Mad cabaret songstress from East Asia made famous by her portrayal in the TV show South Park
Wing sings shite like "Dancing Queen"
by Pat Mc Groyne September 10, 2005
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