extemely cool; weird people named oscar use it all the time.
by una chica graciosa November 21, 2008
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Tits that be covered with a wig.
Yo, Mariah Carey's got Wiggy Tits on that magazine cover!
by Damn those buttz April 9, 2011
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the landing strip between the arsehole and ball bag, aka perenium.
do i get the wiggy bridge included in the back, sack and crack wax?
by wiggy briggy April 22, 2010
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An obese wigger. One who is extremely fat and wants to be one who is (A) Black (B) a Pimp (C) a HipHop addict.
Don't be such a wiggy piggy, foo!
by DLX February 23, 2005
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As in a Wiggly Woggly Snake, or Johanna and maddy's tomp secret word
Wiggy Wogg
Wiggy Wogg
the wiggly woggly snake
the wiggly woggly snake
by wouldn't u like to know... September 13, 2003
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