He's a bit of a fuckhead, rides dirtbikes, tries to weld, reads a fuck load of books & is an ok kinda guy.
"whoa, did you see that guy fly over his handlebars?! That must be Wally".
by kx85_girl September 21, 2014
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a short attractive man that likes to climb walls. can also be names shocka w
by shocka n May 5, 2005
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a wife who is usally clumbsy and breaks every thing she touches.

the kind of wife who falls over her own feet or reverses her car into yours.
My wife is a wally
what a wall

was that you wally
by HIPDUDE June 2, 2011
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when you give a guy a blow job while he's doing a wall sit.
guy #1: dude, i got such a boner doing wall sits last night at the gym that i got some random girl to give me a wallie.
guy #2: bro, you're such a fratstar!
by b jizz May 5, 2008
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to be a fucking douce bag and walk out on your kids
" you that douce bag who left his kids is such a wally"
by todoublediamonds February 4, 2010
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When you and your girl are having sexual intercourse and you secretly braid her pubic hair to yours for maximum overdrive togetherness.
"Damn! We broke up because I tried to pull The Wallie and accidentally ripped her pubes out!"
by Not Wallie December 16, 2015
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yeah that baller is my wally. Word to yo' mother!
by Josephine Greene May 10, 2003
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