The best looking harry potter character. Also a halfblood witch, sorted into hufflepuff Nymphadora Tonks died at the battle of hogwarts
Example: Tonks has always fancied Remus Lupin.
by HogwartsGraduate#1 October 21, 2020
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To gain a headshot in CSS, the sound made is similar to the worked "Tonked"
by Lee G July 8, 2005
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A codeword that homosexual African-Americans use to compliment one another.
Hey, you be lookin all tonked out here lately. You wanna come by my crib and lay down some def jams with the skin flutes?
by Jack B. Quick April 8, 2006
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A game based on gin rummy for three to six players. Hands are won with three to four of a kind and runs. Also by doubling up and going low. It was made up by the african american community but it has recently spread into certain pockets of white suburbs.
I lost 7 bucks playing tonks the other day.

Tonks is such a nigger game.

Euchre and tonks.
by Quintuple Eagle Eye July 23, 2011
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When a girl takes a boy back to her room after a night out but he leaves in the morning with nothing more than a high-five to the shaft or his fingers smelling slightly of salmon.
Jim: So tell me about that bird last night then!
Roger: nothing to tell mate, she fuckin tonksed me
Jim: ahh no man, no1 likes to hear that

Gabrielle: Hey chick! how was last night then hehe ;)
Helen: oh you're gonna love this, i totally tonksed him!
Gabrielle: you bitch! *punches helen in the nose*
by fatman123456789 January 24, 2010
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well u see it when ur sittin in the back of the bus and it hits a bump and u fly off the seat
by Top August 26, 2005
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The sound of a D cell maglite striking a penguin or bee keeper.
by arfcommer February 23, 2005
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