Pulling a Ruben is a term used about men masturbating
"Hey Where are you going?"
"I'm going home to pull a Ruben"
"Oh I did that 2 hours ago"
by the cool gang April 21, 2010
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"Did you watch American Idol last night?"
"Yes, that Ruben will most definetly win."
by HappyHenry35 May 10, 2003
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Someone you fall for because he is good at putting on a show for everyone. Though in a short amount of time his true colours show and he ends up being your worst nightmare. It’s highly recommended you get out of any relationship with him once he shows sign of his toxicity because if you don’t theres a high chance he will go to extreme lengths of pleasing himself while breaking you down and making you feel worthless. Overall ruben is not the kind of guy you wanna waste any of your time on.
Guy #1 “did you hear what Ruben did to Haley

Girl #1 “yes, does it honestly surprise you though? After all it’s Ruben...”
by Kittenclubzzz October 15, 2019
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99% homo erectus and 1% monkey. Possess an intelligence level of a wild chimpanzee. He is lazy as a sloth and runs like a penguin. His legs are thin a led. He obeys to every command of emperor 'Sohta'.
have you seen that twig ... No, but I saw Ruben.
by The Emperor SM December 13, 2018
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Who is he?”
“Don’t worry about him, he is a ruben.
by imgonnakashootmyself November 25, 2019
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A guy who appears to be a womanizer to others but really isn't. He just has such low self-esteem that he needs constant female attention in order to feel good about himself.
1: "Girl, I think he likes you! You should def go for him!"
2: "Heck nah! He's too ruben for me! I can't deal with guys like that."
by Anna384 February 5, 2010
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Ruben, can you recommend me a good mohel who doesn't overcharge?
by harry flashman July 10, 2003
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