1. ho
2. skeet
3. a female that does a lot of stuff like give head or top or in simpler terms suck dick.
3. a girl that lets a lot of boys beat , smash , or just fuck her or she fucks a lot of guys
yo shorty a pop son, i heard she gave ma nigga Joe head last week

she let Joe, Jay, Rico, and Darius beat son, she a pop
by miszinfamous October 13, 2007
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DaLonte, whatup holmes! I saw yo pops be hustlin' crack up on Fifth and Lee, so he musta got his ass paroled or somethin'.

You gonna hafta take dat shit up wif Pops, 'cause girl, I sho-as-hell don't give a damn!
by Carl Willis May 1, 2004
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My two friends keep talking about the cars they have and I don't even have my learners. I feel so popped out!
by steviewords January 27, 2009
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A crappy type of "music" (of which it should not be called.) The bands invlolved with this "music" always consist of greedy idiots, who don't realise they are just corperate tools.
by Nick June 7, 2003
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An old, fat, boring, and bald guy that tries to act hip with the college kids
by Popmond January 2, 2019
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1.) N.: A carbonated beverage also referred to as a Coke or Soda.
2.) V.: To talk abusively and insultingly about someone or something.
3.) V.: To shoot someone with a firearm.
4.) N.: A prefix used in the names of certain snack foods.
I ordered some pop to go with my supper.
He kept popping that shit about my hometown so I kicked his ass.
I popped a cap into his ass for being such a jackoff.
Popcorn and Poprocks are great food to eat.
by The Kentucky Yankee November 30, 2004
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