wat horses eat dumb ass not the hello form
hay is for horses

hey is for people
by fat c*ck August 12, 2009
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Person A: hai
Person B: Let’s not be friends anymore
by Pharaoh Ramesses IV September 5, 2019
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A FOBby way of saying "hi" or "hello"
hai myslf jagdeep. . . ! ! ! ! 1 1 wanna b frensz?????
by Ariaxxx November 16, 2010
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smelly stuff that horses eat that attracts lots of rats.
When i went down to the barn yesterday there was like six rats in templar's hay. It was nasty. I hope he doesn't get sick.
by Kate Templar July 26, 2005
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If female, means extremely slutty with an oral fixation. If male, means a huge nerd, lightweight, who is possibly homosexual.
Mrs. Hay came over last night and smoked the hell out of my pole. OR Hay is at home playing video games while hanging out w/ his female friends, then passing out after 3 beers.
by Amanda February 17, 2005
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pronounced "hi"

when a girl has given up on men but does not like women.
the opposite of bisecual.
When Mark dumped Tina, she went hai.
by Debbie the wonderful January 26, 2006
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A secondary greeting, to be used after the first round of hellos, typically on a phone conversation. It is often used as a filler while the caller/callee are remembering who called who and why. Pronounced similarly to "Hi" but the 'i' sound short, over-pronounced and with rising intonation, almost sounding surprised. Perhaps the best comparison is with a martial arts "hai-ya", but with the 'i' sound shortened abruptly. In writing, it is always followed with an exclamation mark.
by Cornishman123 March 11, 2010
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