You use this as a slang word to use to tell people something.
Guy 1: listen bro what lesson we got next man
Guy 2: I think maths init!
by The slang helper! June 15, 2017
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Someone that hears only what they want to hear.

Someone that while 'listening' to your argument, they have already thought of a reply regardless of what is currently being said.

Someone that doesnt pay full attention to the conversation.
You: "Can you tell me what format of longitude/ latitude this GPS device stores its locations?"
Negative Listener: "I'm sorry sir, but you cant search for locations based on longitude/ latitude."
You: "Huh? You appeared to have answered a question I never asked!"

Air hostess: "Would you like the chicken or beef sir?"
Negative Listener: "The fish sounds delicious!"
by Brendan Roche, Ireland January 14, 2008
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1.One that gets their ear talked off by a subject that they could care less about, therefore, they pretend to listen by using certain words that make it sound like they're listening but in fact they are not paying attention at all.

2.Someone who spends their life in their own little world and just grasps one or two words from a conversation to throw back so people actually think they were listening. They actually have no idea what anyone was talking about nor do they care.
Guy/Girl says: "I'm so glad that I got to talk to you right now because there are so many thing that you must hear about in my life right now."

Non-listener guy/girl says: " Mmm Hmm Mmm Hmm I Understand.

Girl/Guy says: " Do you really."

Non-listener guy/girl says: "I think I do"
by Quimmy650 August 23, 2009
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Music that doesn't make you cringe when you hear it, no matter the loudness.
Dude this song is so easy listening.
by Aardvarkianisum October 16, 2009
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When a man ejaculates into his partner's ear
She doesn't like it when I cum in her mouth, so she was listening to KidsBop last night
by Long Leg Papa April 19, 2019
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-To be recommended to listen to a certain music really loud.
Joe: ay you heard that new mixtape purple codeine 26?

Oscar: naww is it off the bricks?

Joe: should Deaf Listen to that trap music a-sap.
by 941sotathug September 16, 2009
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