To finger a girl, especially in a public setting like a movie.

The male equivalent of giving a handjob.
I've only been out with this chick twice, and she already let me sink a knuckle!
by ImTheMayor June 25, 2010
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A large woman's camel toe. Can also be used to describe someone who is being a general fuckwit
Hey man stop talking shit your being a gaping kunker knuckle
by DA_TURNIP July 3, 2014
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1, n. Slang term for the head, specifically the top of the head when used in a headbutt. Obviously, it refers to the idea that if you punch with your knuckles, a headbutt uses one big knuckle.
2, v. To headbutt someone, aka "give 'em the big knuckle."
Did you see that? Zinedine Zidane just gave that dude the big knuckle!

Ooh, right to the face with the big knuckle! Looks like his skull knocked out a few of his opponent's teeth!

Good answer--that's using the big knuckle.
by Talmanes December 21, 2006
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A weapon consisting of heavy brass (the cheap plastic ebay ones dont count) that have holes for you to put your fingers through, in order to get a grip and form a fist. Once this is done, you can use the weight and hardness of the brass to injure soft flesh. Pretty effective at ruining people's day, but if you dont know how to fight you may get it taken off your own hands and then used against you. Imagine that.
You try to get slick, you bust a little chuckle, you're gonna get smacked with my gold finger kuckles.
by Leandro October 31, 2004
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A member of a militia who must protect his queen at all costs.
Yo have you seen those little red dudes in VR-Chat?

Yeah, they are called Ugandan Knuckles, and they are relentless in protecting their Queen and spreading their ways!
by ChefDeen January 14, 2018
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General dickhead. See also Fucker, Asshole, Cunt et al.
That's not my wife you stoopid fuck knucle!
by Izzy Stewart April 8, 2003
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Knuckles is a cool guy with a bad attitude. He does'nt like to be pushed around. Him and Sonic fight a lot, but I think their good buddies.
by Hamtaro October 15, 2003
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