A name you get called when you dick around.
Coach Small called us all jabronies at practice
by Biscuit jr March 6, 2018
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As a member of the semi-gang group known as the "jabronies," this person usually Italian with slicked back greasy hair which they run their hands through to style, they will wear light colored Polo shirts with popped collars, vintage looking jeans, Puma tennis shoes, and possibly be driving an American made sports car, usually a Mustang. A jabroni has unknowingly accepted the fact that he is a meaningless and identityless part of society. A jabroni's girlfriend is almost always a sharastitute and the leader of the jabronies is the jamoke.
"Hey did you see those Jabronies over there with there mustangs?"
"Of course I did, I'm the Jamoke! Now beat it!"
by Phil V. April 11, 2007
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(pronounced ja-bro-knee)-being really sketchy or just a bum. truly a mangy person to their core.
if im acting dumb or being a bad friend, im jabronious.

Jude Law is the opposite of a jabroni, because he is legit.

the hobo on the side of the street is a jabroni because he always kicks my tires when I stop at the light.
by callmekman November 5, 2010
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A dick who acts like their from jerzzy or some one from jerzzy shore
Wtf dude you act like a fucken jabronie
by randomshit100 May 25, 2013
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A word with any meaning you want it to have.
Dude, Taylor is such a jabronie. I mean seriously, he

is really a freak.
by my name is not daeee-ton October 5, 2010
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A mixture between ping pong, pool, and golf. A gentlemen's sport in which the player must land the ball in various holes by serving the ball ping pong style. This game was originated in the Kelly household and will go down as the greatest game ever made.
Dude i won in jabrony last night against Katie and she had to run a naked lap.
by broskinoski May 14, 2010
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noun: a term used by Jason to describe one as inferior and on their way up the the ways of Jason
Hey jabrony, i eat so much pussy that they should add it to the food pyramid.
by KING KNIGHT SHEIST August 28, 2008
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