The boss is a character out of Metal Gear Solid 3 . She is the mentor of naked snake and becomes a traitor against the U.S
by Scannerfish November 28, 2004
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To be hit in the face by Bruce Springsteen's crotch, usually mid-power slide.
Wow! Did you see that? That camera man got frickin' BOSSED!
by Bruce F. J. Springsteen February 2, 2009
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"sorry son of a bitch" what prisoners mean when they call the man boss
yes! boss i'll get the job done just dont lock me in the hole.
by nocternal anal gram October 3, 2005
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your master in a certain situation. may really bust you balls if he smells your fear or sees that he can bitch you around to relieve himself of his stress or to relieve himself sexually from the feeling of being superior
the boss: Where is my coffee
employee: you didnt ask for one
the boss: like hell i didnt
employee: (under breath) asswipe
by ellz0rzzzz September 2, 2006
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A person who settles for nothing less than an epic existence. They can often be found volunteering at homeless shelters or the VIP booth at Olive Garden in Times Square. Bosses often deny the fact that they are boss, but know in their hearts that they are.
Talented, intelligent, and tactful. What a boss.
by bankshot25 November 13, 2018
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Some one that holds the keys and loves to have fun would like to party with his family!!
Boss knows he will be ready when u are!!
by Blow me jjvgmkgg August 7, 2018
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