Fucking hypocrite. He is a furry, claims to be bisexual, but everyone knows he is just fucking gay. Never bothers to do anything with his hair so it looks like a hot fuckin mess, always on his phone watching furry shit and will choke you if you provoke him
Ian’s a prick
by If your reading this your gay February 21, 2020
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Look into his eyes. Legend says if he likes you they will glow. Ian doesn't make liking you obvious but he can give small hints. I know an Ian and whenever I'm near him he always tries to act casual while trying to look at me. We were in library and he pretended to look at the ground but you know I saw his head tilt in my way ❤️ we all need ians
If Ian gives you this look 😄 or 😏 he may or may not like you
by xDRawrxD April 15, 2019
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Ian is a bad boy and will steal your kids toes
Person 1: Did you here about Ian
Person 2: Yeah he tried to eat Jenny’s kids toes
by Your mums friend gary August 9, 2019
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An extremely sweet guy with great legs. Ian is very awkward and doesn't like what everyone else does. Some might say he is a hipster. They usually like their own kind.
Girl: Gee, Ian was really awkward today.
by Hoobuddyhoolabuddyla October 1, 2011
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Ian is apart of smosh (dude you should already know that)
by Kimiwadekinai July 18, 2018
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Ian Is A Person That Is Gay And Normally Makes Conversations Sexual.
"Hey, Ian Hows Today?"
"Fantastic, I Looked At Some Porn. Bought Some Dildos Aswell."
by WhyAmIOnHereXD January 19, 2020
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The kind of guy that typically gets a bad rap. Typically nice and has the best interest for his friends, but they rarely reciprocate. When erect, their penises are roughly 6.75" in length, but you wouldn't know it by their flaccid state. One shouldn't be so quick to dismiss them.
Ahh there goes Ian. Everyone says he has the SMALLEST penis hahaha!
by Pettypretty September 25, 2019
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