The word daisy refers to some thing being good, it originated from the wild west as seen it the film tomb stone.
the dude: Well ain't that a daisy
cowboy: god damn it you got a royal flush for times in a row no ones that looky
by Rob August 9, 2004
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One of the princesses in the Mario games. She wears yellow with white accents, has brown hair, and has a country-style voice. She was voiced by Kate Flemming in Mario Tennis, and starting with Mario Party 3, she was voiced by Deanna Mustard.
Did you see the "3rd eye" in the Daisy trophy in Super Smash Bros Melee?
by ChoujinkiMetalder July 19, 2006
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daisie daisy daisies
This name can only be used by really cool people! It means funny, crazy, abit lazy and the best!
by daisie March 22, 2005
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Daisy is the kindest girl you'll ever meet. She puts everyone else's problem above hers until she snaps, she'll make sure you eat and have everything you need before thinking about herself. She has a decent amount of friends, and yet, she feels alone. Daisy feels like she doesn't matter, and struggles with anxiety and sui*cide problems. As she waits for her pain to numb or slowly fade, she cries.
"daisy is the sweetest friend ever!"
by rainingeverysingleday October 23, 2020
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Daisy im just here to tell you that i love you so much and im really happy you're my best friend. You are tunning and one of the best friends i could ever ask for. I love that everytime i come on you say "LOTTIEEEEEEE" it makes me feel like the best person in the world. you do so many little things that make my day way better. Even if irl is horrible ik that if i come on here you are gonna be here for me. i know that i can talk to you about anything without feeling judged and you always know what to do to make me feel better. Whether its a whole bunch of unfunny jokes from online or just me and you talking abt how much photopea sucks. Im also happy that you tell me im really pretty no matter how bad i look in the pic. I really mised you when i deactivated. And when i did i didnt feel like coming back but when i read through all the messages in the chat when i was deactivated i realized how much i need you. Im sorry this isnt the best paragraph but i just felt like getting this out. Mwah ilysm
To Daisy
From Lottie
by lottieeeeeeeeeeeeee December 5, 2020
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Daisy is the name given to the most amazing girl to walk the earth. She is just perfect in every way, she'll deny that though, because she is super modest. Every time I see Daisy I get butterflies and her voice gives me joy shivers. Daisy will have the most beautiful eyes that you could stare into for all of eternity and hope they will look back into yours. Daisy is the most attractive girl you will ever lay your eyes upon and you would do ANYTHING to be with her for a single moment. Daisy will have this unexplainable quality about her that just draws you towards her and you never want to leave. she has the cutest, hottest and overall best taste in fashion and everything she wears will look absolutely perfect on her. Daisy is the most lovable person in the world. Daisy has a great sense of humor. A smart and beautiful girl that loves to laugh. She's energetic and very fun to be around. At first, she's shy but when you get to know her, she's nothing like you would think. Daisy may not be the most popular but people adore her. She can be very insecure (even though she has no reason to be). She is a loyal and helpful friend. She will always be there for you to help you feel better and solve your problems. Daisy is very trustworthy. The name of a girl who defines the limits in terms of appearance, personality, intellect. Daisy is the girl that every guy wants to date and the friend that every girl wants to have. She is kind-hearted, thoughtful and a very nice person to be around.
by [TSG] II Prospect II December 10, 2020
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Daisy. An attractive woman. A way of saying a female is attractive, without them realising so. Usually said in a high pitched femine voice, just for banter. Can also be used as a way of starting conversation with an attractive woman.
"Ay Bruv, you see that girl? She's Daisy!"

"Excuse me, is your name Daisy...?"
by Jude-Hartley May 6, 2008
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