Any woman (or man) who wont shut up. Sometimes it's interesting, sometimes it's not. Mostly not.
Lady: And then I woke up and put the blah blah .....
Me: *omg such a chatty cathy*
by seaswimmer August 16, 2016
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When a person twists the words of what another is saying to suit their own ideological narrative and to make said other person seem sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamaphobic, etc. While starting the their rebuttal with "so you were saying."
I told her that I like Coca Cola and she Cathy Newmanned me by telling me I love Coca Cola Death Squads.
by Grey the Traitor January 31, 2018
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One of the best interviewers/golfers/tennis players/media people to ever exist. Her social media game is on point. All her tweets/posts are bangers. She also has a dog named Gene.
Cathy Kelley is one of the best interviewers to ever exist.
by DaleExe May 22, 2021
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Pathological Liar; Someone who fabricates fake information.
"Susan is such a pathy cathy! She told everyone that her mom was going to be on Oprah!"
by kdoyle January 11, 2008
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Aside from being one of the best interviewers/golfers/tennis players/media people to ever exist, she is also one of the best archers, pickleball players, and actresses/flight attendants to ever exist.
Cathy Kelley is basically one of the best people to ever exist.
by DaleExe July 8, 2021
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Someone who accidentally rats out someone during their usual stupid rambling conversations.
“...and then we were all at the bar, and Misty looked hot in that dress and everyone was looking at her. Then Laura blew a guy in the men’s room but, oh my god, this guy bought us all shots and then..”
“Wait, so Laura cheated on her boyfriend.”
“Oops, I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone” mumbled the Ratty Cathy.

No one ever told Clayton anything because he turned into a ratty Cathy after just one drink.
by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008
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