The Bumhole Bullseye is a game you play where an individual lays face down ass spread and the group takes turns throwing dildos trying to get a bullseye
I wanted to play darts with a hooker but she suggested we play Bumhole Bullseye instead.
by 417wsm February 17, 2023
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The coolest stream there ever was. Has the best set up and alerts. Amazing at skits and has luscious luscious locks
It’s bumhole Wilkins mother F***** what’s up, I got a spongebob iPod up in the club
by April 26, 2022
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A male, often sporting a beard, who gains great pleasure in engaging the anuses of females with his tongue- particularly the anuses of ginger females. When asked about the taste of said anus upon recounting the sex, the male proceeds to liken the taste to that of licking a different non-fecal part of the anatomy such as the skin of a limb.
DAVE: Oi Joe, did you lick her anus last night?
DAVE: What did it taste like?
BUMHOLE JOE: It just tasted like licking an arm, really
DAVE: Wow, I better not go and tell her friends that in case they think you’re a weirdo and make up some nickname for you like Bumhole Joe.

Example 2:

GIRL 1: I took this guy back from Jesters last night, omg he was sooooo dirty
GIRL 2: Oh let me guess, was he a Bumhole Joe?
GIRL 1: He was! Dammit I should have got his number. Luckily I haven’t had a shit in two days so hopefully my bumhole just tasted like he was licking an arm or something
by Jesters4life October 1, 2018
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Means dirty/dusty ass crack or a bitchy person
Bro Trina was acting like such a bumhole this morning.
by Bufztjgcujnjcxsfn November 30, 2014
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Means dirty/dusty ass crack or a bitchy person
Bro Trina was acting like such a bumhole this morning.
by Bufztjgcujnjcxsfn November 30, 2014
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