this is the past tense of wake and bake, where one proceeds to smoke right after waking up in the morning.
"Yea man we had Thanksgiving lunch so me and my sis woke 'n' boke!" - John Stamos
by zachman4589 November 27, 2009
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A term used by someone obviously still under the influence from the night before who wants to smoke immediately after waking up.

Similar to Wake and Bake, only the user is already destroyed from prior engagments.

Expression is almost always yelled.
Dude 1: "Yo! Last night was nuts...*yawn*"
Dude 2: "SMOKE 'N BOKE!!"
{Sound of Lighter Sparking}
by Ev B. April 3, 2008
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v. A not so secretive slang term for wake and bake. It is the act of waking up and partaking in a marijuana smoking session. Origins Nameday 2007 after a group of 14 year olds couldn't finish their stash for the night.
Brugger- yo im down for a woke-n-boke after breakfast.
Mark- oh hell yeah son do we still have a roach?
Elias- My dude we have four!
by ERGeezy October 18, 2009
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A party with an inordinate amount of unattractive people which takes place in Glasgow.
How was the party tonight? It was such a Boke Social!
by MelTri October 24, 2011
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I was gonna go to work today, but I woke and boke instead. Now I’ll just sit around and make excuses for myself instead.
by Cheebcrazy July 3, 2019
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Past tense of "wake and bake"

When you are fully high in the a.m. whilst being "woke".
"Have you wake and baked yet? Yes my guy, I am fully woke and boke!"
by Richyydollass September 4, 2021
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