Any material or thoughts one uses during masturbation.
"Am I a terrible person for using Kyle's mom as bate fuel yesterday?"
"Yes, yes you are."
by Schauby December 9, 2014
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A psycho. Someone with obsessive behavior or scary eyes
by SteveDave May 9, 2003
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Telling a girl, preferably one who finds you to be a creep/unattractive, that you've masturbated to her. A play-on-words from "date rape".
guy: You were on my mind all night, allison.
girl: You keep bate raping me and your testicles will not be found again.
by Blackbird February 6, 2005
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The loss and beader of the Sicromoft company.
That Gill Bates is one bich rasterd.
by Midnight Walker October 12, 2004
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A sock commonly or regularly used to masturbate into. Be careful not to put them back on your feet before washing.
Tim uses bate socks because it is a greener alternative to kleenex.
by krustysox August 7, 2011
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Also known as autoerotic asphyxiation.

During masturbation, the masturbator will choke away his own oxygen to enhance the orgasm.

It is believed the pain/sensation increases the amount of chemicals released in the brain during intercourse, hence making it so much more fun by yourself.
I almost killed myself stranglebating last night. Jesus I need a girlfriend.
by Senshi March 1, 2005
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