Jack: Hey, wanna see that new movie

Sam: That's on bet
by LogoKing November 29, 2019
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A word used by Dublin youths to describe an unattractive person, usually female. Another word for wrecked or ugly
"the girl you scored saturday night was bet!"

"no thanks that's girls bet down"
by taper jean girl June 2, 2009
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Bet means everything and can be used to mean anything
Hey can you do me a favor? Hell nah ...ight bet wats up?

by Jplindquist March 23, 2011
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Boy 1:hey can you grab the groceries?"
Girl 1:"Bet! (Walks away)
by BoyWonda January 24, 2017
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Something you say when someone doubts that you’ll do something daring.
by pseudoym12345678910 April 15, 2018
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When something is so fucking legitness, you're willing to bet anything on it.

Used when "bet" and "legitness" just doesn't give it justice.

When willing to bet to prove whatever was legitness is raised to another level.
See also legitness, legit, bet, cash me...
That punk told me to "catch him outside", I said "betness", cuz I know I'll whoop his ass.

You think I can't land that scooter trick cuz it was legitness? Haha betness!
by WeisTunes March 31, 2017
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The most ghetto, coolest gang in history. consisting of a leprachaun, an italian, an asian, and a jew. they kick ass and they fight each other and if you mess with them, they'll kill you.
Bets totally just fucked that dude up
Fuh shur dude we shud bounce
by B rizzle May 7, 2005
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