Four more months and i'm out of these walls.
by Stef "FobPower" De Clercq November 26, 2002
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writing on someone else's wall on the social networking website, Facebook
"I walled him to say thanks for last night"
by Sarah D July 4, 2006
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To have sex with someone against a wall.

Sometimes this happens by accident in the heat of the moment, it can also be planned, and happens when you're wasted from time to time.

Walled is not the same as closeted, a wall in a closet is a closet wall, therefore no walling has happened.
example1: Jeff walled Christina last night, I could hear it through the wall.

example2: I walled Christina hard last night.

example2: Jeff walled me last night, I liked it.
by Skinner927 May 12, 2009
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A woman's vagina. The external part of the vagina
used with redecorate

"Hey shorty, would you let me redecorate your walls"
by Kish Charles February 26, 2005
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the act or reading a newspaper at the end of a bench during a basketball game because you are not athletic or skilled enough to play.
"Dude that retard just pulled a Walls!" exclaimed Sam while laughing hysterically.
by Allan Hansone February 12, 2008
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a simple yet effective way of cupping someone elses testicles
That girl who came home with me last night really knew how to Walles
by SilentBush January 8, 2017
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