exhibiting behavior that incites shock and/or outrage in your peers; going against the grain. ORIGIN (literal): ripping or shredding of retractable cloth window covers for no apparent reason
The student was so drunk that he began tearing the curtains in the dormitory.
by Victor Cromwell March 1, 2007
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when, after a few drinks, one will proceed to become an unhappy drunk, and begin to cry and shed tears about anything remotely bothering them. ex: crying about ex-boyfriend, inability to microwave easymac, spilling a drink on one's shirt
"After I had three natty lights, I started regretting my last drunk hook-up and started crying. My friends had to comfort me because of my beer tears!"
by brunette22 February 16, 2006
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Water that comes from your eyes that only happens when something is extremely emotional or intense. Happens after some one real close is killed.
-"Is that guy crying cus' his best friend died"
-"No, those ain't normal tears, they are gangsta tears"
by SleepyCrazyFun April 25, 2007
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What men shed as a quiet, dignified showing of being deeply moved.

Whereas merely bawling your eyes out will open you up to accusations of being emo or a sissy, a manly tear shows you're mature enough to show your emotions without whoring for attention.
When Adama found out Apollo was still alive, he shed some manly tears.

Hillary Clinton won the crowd over with manly tears.
by disumbrationist April 21, 2008
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The emotional tears from toxic masculine person’s fragile egos
His male tears flowed as he explained why the woman was not above him though she paid the bills.
by GenerationalHonesty March 5, 2022
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When a girls develops tears in her eyes due to a cock down her throat while giving a blowjob.
Jane had my cock so deep down her throat she starting crying cockadile tears.
by TheRoyal11 May 12, 2011
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The remnant seepage from prolonged and excessive anal gaping from witch ones sphincter has lost its natural elasticity.
Where's Bradly? He's in the bathroom changing out his "Man-Pon". He has a severe case of "Booty Tears" this morning.
by My Little Pony "Pegasus" January 27, 2022
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