Running/walking around in such away that it may appear that one is leaping, while making an unnecessarily wild show of doing so. particular down stairwells. there may also be obnoxious sound effects involved. it is a particularly good method for giving the major muscle groups in your legs and buttocks a good workout. watching somebody glomp around will probably look like a combination of that person trying to take the largest steps possible, as well as trying to raise his legs as high up as possible while stepping, and finally trying to slam his feet down with as much force as possible.
"dude, what's that guy doing over there? is he mental or something?"
"nah he's just glomping around. did you know its a great way to work your legs?"
by meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee33 September 10, 2009
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Living in an RV while on someone else’s property, using their space and/or resources for free. (A hybrid of ‘glamping’ and ‘glomming’.)
e.g., "We went glomping way back in the national forest," or "I can't go out with you guys tonight because my parents are glomping at my place with my kids and they're all expecting me home for dinner."
by Trespassers Will August 6, 2014
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A term that anime faggots use to describe a cross between a hug and a tackle.
anime faggot #1: *glomp* ^-^ KONNICHI-WA
anime faggot #2: NANNIIIIIIIIII!?!?!!
by cdeyoung November 23, 2010
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Glomp is a cross between a spear and a hug.
you glomp like a girl! try more speed!
by Starblast May 19, 2003
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For an animal to place the head of a smaller animal in its mouth to carry it around. Lions will often glomp the cub of another male and swing them about until the neck breaks.
A dog can glomp a puppy to carry it home. The sound that is made while the dog engulfs the head of the puppy is glomp.
by Justme July 14, 2003
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To eat, usually with great enjoyment.
X: "Behold, I have pasta and meat sauce!"
X: *glomps*
by Fuschia June 19, 2006
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I glomped him and he went, "Tehe!"
by BimpyBob March 28, 2013
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