When a pregnant woman belly flops on a body of water in order to induce an abortion
Did you hear Cathy fell off that steamboat?
Yeah, rumor has it she was trying for a Mississippi Miscarriage
by Winterjack May 9, 2020
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When you are driving, and spit dip outside the window, and it gets all over your car.
I got to get a car wash, and get my new mississippi-pinstripe off, I
Couldn’t find my mud-jug
by Nattynicks August 15, 2018
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an American state that is spelt like a disabled child with no arms, legs or left eyeball wrote it.
person a "how do you spell Mississippi??"
person b "I have no fucking clue"
by hhhhdfghj December 2, 2022
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The 7th layer of hell (or Mississippi, for short) is a conservative police state with humidity, forests, obese people, cracked up roads with tons of potholes.

It has the worst healthcare, education, lowest life expectancy in the entire union.

The people in this state are extremely rude to you, unless you have a pocket full of cash.

Louisiana is grateful that that Mississippi exists, because now Louisiana doesn't have to take the spot for the worst state in the union.
Man, thank God I'm not in that dump called Mississippi anymore. Thank goodness for places like California.
by ism_ist July 4, 2022
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