that dance that all those kids do at shows..which i immitate in the halls of nelson highschool infact its quite amusing. involves walking back and forth until the music gets loud enough for you to start waving your arms and legs in a sort of "i dont give a shit who gets hurt" sort of way.

Patt and Ron are two-stepping hXc!

sorry for hitting you in the face while i was two-stepping wesley!
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"Two Way" dresses are designed to be worn in more than one configuration. High fashion for low budget party girls. ;)
She wears a two-way, but I'm not quite sure what that means.
by Loserfrog September 29, 2009
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A drum pattern that is used in a lot, especially in drum and bass and its subgenres that end in "step." It sounds like this: boom cha, boomcha.
Dnb uses two step a lot whereas earlier jungle used a cut amen break more often.
by Gnaarfmox May 18, 2007
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A person who has mixed black and white heritage.
Hey man, you see that two-tone chick, Beyonce? Damn, she's hot.
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A pile of shit. A stack of number 2.
"The bathroom stinks. Ben just dropped a two stack."
by ArnoldKY August 19, 2011
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Simply one of the best forums ever, made by forum master Aphotic. All round convo, but focusing mainly on HALO!!
Too tight for examples.
by BringMeCloser April 21, 2005
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