The type of girls that will care for you and take care of you. She will act a certian way around her friends but on the inside, she's open with you,
Me : My girl is like a Vsco girl
Other person : Ew! Your dating a VSCO Girls!
Me : And who are you dating?
Other person : ...
Me : She only acts a certain way because she is around some people she likes. But when shes with me. She is an entire different person. She's better than just girls...
by bonchicka_labon November 25, 2019
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A very rare hybrid species of environmentalists and feminists (despite them being the same thing), who very ironically use 10 billion quarts or hair spray every day, aid in the descruction of society, along with their obsession with hydro flasks.
by itsPrYzm June 2, 2020
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The best being to ever exist. A duck that wears scrunchies, says sksksksksksk and i oop instead of quaking. Often seen wearing oversized shirts, burkenstocks, nude lipgloss, natural makeup and carrying hydroflasks.

Never approach a vsco duck if you aren't willing to join them in the vsco world.
"is that a vsco duck?"
"yes, but dont approach that perfect bean."
by stansoebeee July 8, 2020
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On January 7th, go up to a vsco girl and try to kiss them.
Ex- Patrick: I’m so glad Alexa is a VSCO girl,
John: why?
Patrick: because it’s Kiss a VSCO Day and Alexa is hot.
*patrick makes out with Alexa*
by @joemama is stoopid December 23, 2019
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A vsco girl is a girl or guy that wear scrunches use metal straws and go BALLZ deep they also have hidroflsdk and say sksksksksksksksksksskskks and i opp
Girl1:Omg sksksksksksk and I oop like at my hidroflask

Girl 2: are you a vsco girlz ?!?!?
by Kalcheva November 8, 2019
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