by Michael Jackson's big toe May 26, 2019
And I oop is a viral phrase from a video by drag queen Jasmine Masters. It has since become stereotyped as a catchphrase of VSCO girls. And I oop or I oop can be playfully used to express shock, surprise, or embarrassment.
by emmatf06 January 22, 2020
by oh shoot a rat June 9, 2019
some weird thing vsco girls say when they drop their hydroflask cause they have nothing better to do
by thots_ate_my_hydroflask August 18, 2019
by Unknown user 72 September 29, 2019
by Unknown user 72 September 29, 2019
when a hoe who thinks she is something drops her hydroflask… or he panties and says and I oop...usually followed by sksksksk
by SirJamesonMcDermottThe1st October 13, 2019