Pete’s type is a girl that likes Pete. Or to expand it could be a girl that might like Pete.

It therefore could be used in a derogatory way towards girls that are not ‘fortunate’ looking as they could be ‘Pete’s type’

It could also be aimed at rather over weight girls that may of course be looking for a Pete and again therefore ‘Pete’s type’
Bubble's from Little Britain is definitely Pete's Type.
by Bubble love June 10, 2011
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Legend. One of the funniest twitter accounts, but Jack got him bagged.
"Back when the rap game was playing i diss.
They act like two Gunsey Pete cannot co-exist." J.Cole - Middle Child
by Ratmondy June 10, 2021
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Makes race car noises while vigorously master-bating while making eye contact with anyone who walks buy them also while sitting in odd locations.
You see that guy doing a Lusty Pete in the Walmart parking lot?
by Coxynormus December 8, 2020
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Can be a meth addict, but is a great friend. Skinny. Wears beanie his whole life. Likes video games.
Skinny Pete: "Badger, Im gonna destroy you bro."
Badger: "No"
by Boat21 January 26, 2022
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Acting carelessly or foolishly in order to complicate any simple task into a highly complicated event.
Pulling a "Pete"
-used in a sentence-
F&*K what time is it? 1:30!?! my midterm was due at midnight!!! FMLL
bro... u just Pulled a "Pete"
by Daddy_Warbucks April 12, 2011
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When you go to Disney World and your name is Peter and your feet turn purple. Usually involves the user being stupid and tying their shoes too tight.
Guys my friend Peter went to Disney and tied his shoes too tight and now he has Pete Feet.
by February 22, 2021
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damn, that was some good petes ya
by goobzy June 25, 2015
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