A situation in the board game Puerto Rico, when during the Captain Phase of the game, a player opts to ship his goods in such a way as to prevent another player from having access to one of the three allotted ships.
John: "I could ship my tobacco on the ship already containing tobacco, but instead I choose to place my one corn on the large ship so that you can't get any points."

Mary: "Oh man, you are such a dock block!"
by LlordLlama May 7, 2012
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A person who works on the dock who works in logistics and receives inventory and exports goods.
What profession are you in? I’m a dock gobbler. I’m do shipping and receiving on the dock.
by 420D-Portkid December 21, 2022
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when two men are boning it out and don't wanna do it in the butt they touch their wangs together and pulling ones foreskin over the others wang, creating a docking port. and then ejaculating into the said 'donkey dock'
"hank was a little scared of feces, so he and Seth went donkey docking instead of the traditional gay way"asshole
by lisaloo1123 July 29, 2014
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The act of placing the Lips of Two Asshole against each other.
"Jessica, did you hear Johnny and Caleb were Airlock docking last night?"

"I fucking walked in on thek doing it, it was weird. It was like scissoring for men!"

"Damn that's nasty!"
by EsIstRüdy September 9, 2022
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When a frozen poo falls from a plane and on impact it penetrates you to death.
He was bodged to death by a bodging space dock
by Quackquack90 March 17, 2018
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To pull out and ejaculate on a women's belly or back.
Wow, I had great sex last night . . . I flipped a "squid on the dock".
by sigbjornfjord March 20, 2019
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When one male puts his dick on top of another male's dick
Hey, bro. Were you and Jordan cross docking last night? I thought I heard a fencing match through the walls.
by chillchazz April 19, 2016
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