A fart that sounds like it would taste meaty and/or smells meaty
That meaty fart sounded so heavy and smelled like steak
by Chang Qou September 26, 2015
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(noun): 1. a party where people sit around farting and galavanting. 2. A cluster fuck. 3. A situation that is not taken seriously.
Why are you sitting around, having a fart party, when there is work to be done.

That operation was a real fart party.
by Ned Plimpton February 6, 2011
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The noise made right before someone sharts themselves, typically followed by an awkward grimace and a "whoops!"
Did you see Timmy playing soccer today? The coach called him out after he started walking like a penguin? The referee was startled by the shart fart Timmy released at the goal crease.
by the comand'r October 11, 2016
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A Widely used tactic in the bed, casually used like this:
1. pretend you are holding a grenade
2. fart in your pretend grenade
3. hover your grenade over the victims nose.
watch his/her's reaction.
A unsuspected fart grenade was used in bed.
Jerry: grenade!
Kiersten: what?
Kiersten: Eww!
Jerry: GOTY!
Kiersten: It smells like a gas chamber!
by [InsertXboxLiveGamertagHere] November 17, 2019
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The type of fart that literally sounds like Mario jumping.
Did you hear how my fart's tone went up toward the end? It sounded like Mario jumping!! That's what I call a Mario Fart.
by Shaiko McGillicutty February 14, 2012
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Flatulence that is the byproduct of dirt-cheap fish dipped in over-salted egg batter, frozen, later fried in rancid, unhealthy oil, and then forcefully blown out of one’s nether-hole.
When I was growing up there was nothing worse than the horrific smell of an elementary school cafeteria on Fridays, thanks to fishstick farts.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 21, 2019
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That balletic squatting stance that allows a person a free and unobstructed position from which to blow a truly effective fart.
I watched his artistic subtlety as he achieved a fart plie that was not only astounding but perfect.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 29, 2019
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