own - to own (verb)

to own is to dominate something or someone.
1. dude, hiroshima got owned
2. dude, nagasaki got owned!

noob800: I'll get you with my pistol! *wheeze*
31337: fine, I guess my sniper just won't cut it
*no-scope headshot*
31337: you got owned

At the end of "dawn of the dead", the people got owned
by doombuddy January 2, 2007
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to beat (win), to beat(cause injury), to embarass, to be injured by a random catastrophy variant:pwned
"Michael Jordan would own Shaq at basketball any day"
"Did you see that video of that kid getting run over by that car? Owned!"
by Tomsoma March 1, 2004
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The term "Owned" was originally conjured circa 1986 by a small Canadian Apple II user's group in Langley, BC. Primary usage was similar to current internet vernacular, but was usually restricted to computer hardware and not gaming.

Use was slightly adapted to indicate superiority over another person. Or to declare that said person is merely chattel.
Man, the Apple so owns(owned) the C64!

I *own* people like you!
by E. Thwaites February 8, 2004
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To say that something is the best or better than something else.
Nique: Those tacos were great.
Dee: Volcano's tacos are better.
Nique: What are you talking about? Douglas tacos own.
by Nique March 28, 2005
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A victory cry used when having conquered or captured something, especially computer servers or human egos.
A: She fell for the goatse.cx link.
B: Heh! Owned.
by THE MAN October 10, 2002
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A word sometimes used humorously, like a verbal high-five, between good friends. Also a word commonly used in PvP games, such as World of Warcraft, etc.
Dude 1: "Bro, I just scored with Audrey."
Dude 2: "Owned."

Friend 1: "Man I just beat his ass in a duel."
Friend 2: "Owned. Even though you're a OP ret pally, ya asshole."
by Deathspartan66 July 28, 2009
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"Owned, resulting back in the Ultima Online days is a word depicing victory over another person or thing. Being passed up into the new generation of games and even in real conversations the word has come a long way since it was started by us old UO boys"

That is wrong, "owned" was being used back in the Wolf3d days, back in the ORIGINAL quake and duke3d games, back in the days of the TEXT version of aol, back in the compuserve and prodigy days. its not a new term, and it is AT LEAST 10 years old... Check ya calenders.
i just owned this forum with the correct definition.
by {MD}ProPain December 16, 2003
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