5 definitions by Nique

To say that something is the best or better than something else.
Nique: Those tacos were great.
Dee: Volcano's tacos are better.
Nique: What are you talking about? Douglas tacos own.
by Nique March 28, 2005
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parent or parents (someone who has "raised" you since childhood)
I am having Thanksgiving dinner with the raise this year.
by Nique January 22, 2004
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A computer game created in the 1980's by Alex Pajitnov (Pazhitnov), Dmitry Pavlovsky, and Vadim Gerasimov.

The game involves forming complete lines using items of various shapes across a rectangle gaming board, while avoiding going over the top of the board.

At the time of its release, many American's believed it was a Soviet Cold War-era plot designed to distract American youth from more productive activities.
After spending the weekend playing Tetris, Dave and John realized that they were not prepared for their Chemistry Exam.
by Nique January 5, 2005
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Any common remedy for those trying to get over heartbreak.
You have been so depressed ever since you and your girlfriend broke up. You need a heart balm, like a dog to keep you company or maybe you should join some clubs.
by Nique January 4, 2005
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