Complete cluelessness and lack of awareness of one's surroundings.
Those idiots wouldn't know if they had a bus up them
by Poll Hereford November 4, 2009
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A phrase frequently spoken by losers that complain about snowflakes, Ironically they are the same people that cry when a game adds a non binary option.
Person 1: You know what I think that we should add a non binary to games to make it more inclusive.
Person 2: wow what a snowflake, you wouldn't last a second in a MW2 lobby. Anyways time to go complain on reddit about how black people have rights.
by Ron12777 January 19, 2021
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A woman who meets an attractiveness threshold above which you would easily forgive minor transgressions such as eating crackers and leaving the inevitable crumbs in your bed.

The British version "I wouldn't kick her out of bed for farting", while similar in spirit, lacks some of the subtlety of this version.
Lindsay Lohan might have a little nose candy problem, but still, I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.
by MC Gee January 23, 2008
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something that is said to ckk when he says something stupid.
"this new ja rule album is hot. OMG I have been listening to it all day. It is the shiznit, fo show."
(person 1)
ckk, i wouldn't give your troubles to a monkey on a rock.
by s_N_double_O_P May 30, 2005
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Referring to a girl, that while not a knock-out, is someone you would easily sleep with.
Guy 1: That girl ain't that hot.
Guy 2: Yeah, but I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating cookies.
by ianamalsu August 22, 2007
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