when someone gets unconsensually assaulted

in halo
when someone gets beaten down
last night someone drugged me and i got borged

haha dude i just borged your spartan ass 3 times in a row.. you suck!
by ninjacupcake42 February 24, 2009
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excessive*obessive preoccupation with electrical devices.
i.e. Cell phones
"Like she is SO borged, she has't gotten off that cell phone ALL day. She should just implant the thing into her head and be done with it."

by Panman7 September 20, 2006
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Microsoft, the monopoly who forces the world to use its software, when products like Linux are obviously superior. Borg's software is full of security holes.
Borg's software is full of security holes like Swiss cheese is full of regular holes.
by Locutus of Borg August 19, 2004
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The government (both homosexual parties).

You are being assimilated and they make you do it to yourselves and you're not smart enough to see it because they've made you to *think* their way.God,you people are dumb.I hate you.

*THEY* can make you do anything because you're all so dumb.They could even make you exterminate all the jews!

And you'd do it to because they'd find a way of saying that you are *insensitive* if you don't.And then you would be made to conform through all of the peer pressure!

Too bad you all suck Satan's penis! (Bill Hicks)

fuckin sellouts
You're all so blind.

fuckin cocksucking borg faggots

You won't even get this.You'll do the exact opposite because *Big Brother* has fucked you're mind and rendered you retarded and you're idea of what's *intelligent* is what they have engrained in you through your schooling.You fucking blind assholes are such institutionalized fucking faggots!
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to eat just because one is bored. See gorge and bored.
"....Man, let's borge."
by cooey November 28, 2005
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"dude that guy has fucked like half the school"
"wow what a borges"
by lesson1 January 8, 2010
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A Borg is an special and exotic species that often spends 24 hours behind the screen playing Fortnite, with their fellow companions which are another exotic creature named the tunuk tunuk tuk indians.
by Methun January 8, 2019
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