Dude i can't believe you hooked up with that girl last night man, she was a total DUB.
by Standardize June 10, 2009
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In Oakland, referring to the neighborhood and region in the twenties (20th-29th Street).
Back when ah used ta live in the dubs, we be poppin' !
by Mista Jay, Sr. May 29, 2009
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it means "20" as in rims or money.
That kid's mercerdes is sitting on dubs and he owes me a dub too.
by Panama_Kanal August 26, 2003
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Short for 'dubplates', a type of record used originally by dj's and producers of Jamaican music. They're softer than normal vinyl discs and don't last as long before the needle wears them out. The idea is to 'test' a track on the dancefloor using cheaply made dubplates, before having a more expensive vinyl press of the record made. Now used by producers of hip-hop, garage, drum'n'bass, trance, house, basically any kind of electronic music that people want to dance to, and craved by geeky DJ wannabes of said genres, to impress their eqally geeky non-DJ friends.
Got any new dubs mate?
by Superbo February 21, 2004
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Dub reggae is one of the only musics in the world, were the "programmer" or "mixer" is a part of the music.
Dub is a mysteric, special, poetic music genre.
Dub works like this:
A mixer gets a track, a song that others have made. (roots reggae). He uses his mixers, moduls and programming stuff to "dub" or "re-mix" the track with echos, reverb and instruments dropping in and out. Dub is allmost always instrumental, there can be like 3 or 5 words in a dub song normally.
Oh, King Tubby made a great dub out of that track!...
by Adam Ska April 8, 2006
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$20 bag of marijuana
echoey reggae without or with few words
i lit the dub while i listened to exodus, the dub version
by son of stalin March 31, 2003
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Dick Under Belt System
When you hide your dick under your belt in times where arousal cannot be displayed
Yeh, I had to sport the DUBS
by castek September 8, 2010
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