11 definitions by son of stalin

latin acronym for "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews," put all over pictures of dying Jesus.

much better is "I'm Nailed Right In."
INRI! We don't need any drugs, we're high on JESUS!
by son of stalin March 13, 2003
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To engage in a 10-year long, protracted guerrilla war to demand democracy from the monarchy, and end up installing a Maoist regime.
I'm gonna pull a prachanda in my home town, see how they like it.
by son of stalin June 27, 2003
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shortening of "anarchy" or anarchism. the first of the two is posers who see anarchy as liberation from bedtime and dad. the second is well minded utopianists usually pragmatic and not usually white
by son of stalin March 24, 2003
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Short-lived but still occasionally continued expletive/adjective.
"My job is suck."
by son of stalin March 1, 2003
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A power freak with no credibility, and thus a laughable character. Originally a merge of "Schindler" (of schindler's list) and "Hitler" but it came to be interpreted more as "Shit Hitler."
this asshole put his hands on his waist and started telling me how flawed i was. what a shitler
by son of stalin March 13, 2003
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$20 bag of marijuana
echoey reggae without or with few words
i lit the dub while i listened to exodus, the dub version
by son of stalin March 31, 2003
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